Saturday, March 17, 2007

Chains of Our Own

Some remnants never seem to dissolve from our psyche. When will some in our community give up the ghost when it comes to this notion of who is, and who isn't "black enough?"
Here we are again when talking about Sen. Obama, giving the dominant media fodder for discussions about things of which they know litte. Tucker Carlson. Raises the discussion about "black enough." We fail to understand that such notions make us appear juvenile and unsophisticated when lager issue should drive our political discussion.
Professor Davison alerted us years ago to the destructive effects of our refusal to rid ourselves of the lessons learned at the master's whipping post. We shouldn't fail to appreciate and honor the diversity within our own cultural boundaries. Obama's diverse "black" upbringing is an asset, not something to be criticized as not black enough.
Rev. Sharpton's comments are certainly appropos. He reserves his support of Obama, not on some fragile logic or cultural immaturity, but on whether he believes the Senator will truly represent the interest about which the Rev cares.